hi..selamat datang ke dunia saya..

tiada ape yg menarik..hanya cerita/omongan yang dianggap biase oleh saya sendiri..so enjoy..kalau best, sila lah jadi pengunjung yang tetap..kalau xbest sila lah berambus..jangan buang masa anda semua ya..ciao..

Thursday, March 10, 2011


u all mesti selalu dengar perkataan Matang kan??
for me, ya mostly org cakap ko tak matang and what so ever..
but, tepuk dada tnya selera..are you matured enough???

ya i mengaku im not matured yet..but i boleh pk yg mana baik, yang mana buruk..
i admit yang i xboleh buat keputusan sendiri..(im try to changed, banyak kali..tp xberjaya)
how sad kan..

only certain peoples yang boleh mempengaruhi i dlm membuat keputusan..
xperlu mention lah kot sape..

zaman remaja i pown x sebest org lain..
im just fokus on my study,study,study..
xde mase nak enjoy..
weekends jek ddk umah..what so boring..

sebenarnya nak mencarutkan pasal sum 1 yang i rase otak die bermasalah..
org kata hati xbersih kot..
okay, i'll tak and writes bout her with next entry okay..
see you soon..

p/s :: saya masih pra matang..kalau boleh sy nak org anggap sy CHILDISDH w/pun masa tuh my age dh 60++..hehe boleh???

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm taken

thank you for complete my day..my life..

i love you AZ

keep movin movin (shake ur hips)


today nak mencarut sket about my new life..
is fully of suprises..
but i take all of this as a new thing to learn..ya for real ;)
about sum 1 i called her as a sista..ya sista for reality..
she's help me a lot..
now she's gone :)

may Allah bless u always..
hello stalkers :))

is almost 1 months i didnt update my blog..

got no time to writes :)

but too many stories want to share..

just wait okay..
