fuhhhh akhirnya..saya berjaya membaca ke empat empat novel karya RAM..so far beliau adelah novelis kegemaran saya..saya suka bile die develop penulisan / karya2 die yang membuatkan pembaca semakin ghairah untuk menyelak setiap helaian..hehe, ke empat2 novel mmg ade kesinambungan..n the last 1 Cinta Sufi 2 ending die tergantung so i think, maybe ade sambungannya lagi..xsabar nk tggu sambungannya..

for novels BAGAIKAN PUTERI, CINTA SANG RATU, HIJAB SANG PECINTA & CINTA SUFI, i was taken 8 months to finish it..lame kan..lame sebab i wait my sis bace dulu..huh..but for cinta sufi i just take 3 days to finish that novel..sbb terbuai2 dengan watak Saifudin aka Laksamana Sunan..rase nk tawu what happen next..hehe, dh tuh bile dh abes rase myesal sbb ending tgantung..haha biaselah, pembace yak emo =,=
After Cinta Sufi, RAM will publish he's new novel call Rayyan Fantasi is story about a young man having a cancer and diramalkan boleh hidup selama 3 bulan..hasrat terakhir, beliau ingin mendaki gunung kinabalu & telah hilang semasa pendakian beliau. After 5 years, he's reappears back..
Quit interesting kan??? camne leh hidup dalam tempoh 3 bulan aje, pastu hilang n muncul balik selepas 5 tahun? hah suspen aje bunyik citer die..jadi can't wait to read..but confuse..either my sis will buy or me..kalau my sis yg buy alamat makan mase lah nk tggu die abes bace..huhu..
I started read a novel since i darjah 3 ke 4 lah mcm 2..im started read a novel horror..tp xdelah horror sgtkan..ingt lagi, 1st novel yg i bace about hantu pontianak..huhu mase tuh xtakot sgt dgn hantu2 nie semua..kecik lg..hehe, after that i really love to read more novel..in my family only me and 2 of my sister yang suka bace novel..my 1st kakak like to read eng novel that's why her eng very superb & my 2nd sis she's variety..all novels she's read..no compromise..even i'll said this writter is suck, die tetap teruskan pembacaan beliau..for me, im not..im very selected to read a novel..i akan tgk who is the writer & company ape yang terbitkan sesebuah novel itu..
like before, i suka bace novel2 cinta..kalau semasa remaja i can into it..but now, mungkin tidak..maybe sbb peralihan my age..my favourite writer that time of coz lah Ahadiat Akashah..sbb beliau sorg jek yang menaip penuh fantasi..penuh keremajaan..byk lah novel2 die i bace tapi xingat tajuk..sbb dah lame tgglkan karya2 beliau..after karya2 ahadiat, i beralih pada novel2 keluaran creative enterprise..i suka sbb penulis2 die semua hebat2 macam Rohani Din, Norhayati Ibrahim, Diya Elora, Ana Wenta n ramai lgi laa..mereka2 nie semua menulis bukan berlandaskan pada pencintaan semata2 tetapi lebih kepada nilai2 kehidupan..dats y i love..
tetapi, lame2 bace novel yg konsep die serupa nek muak jugak kan..jadi i tukar selera..mase i form 5/6, i cannot remember..1st time i bace novel RAM..tajuk die Satu Janji..huhu, best gile..lupe buku sekolah..haha..start from that, i terus membaca novel2 keluaran RAM until now..Why i love his work..simple, all his novels semua bergenre kan suspen thriller..nd i love the way die olah sesebuah citer die tuh at the end of his novel, die akan sertakan sekali rujukan2 yang die amek..maknanya dalam bekarya, beliau akan reseacrh & development terlebih dahulu..keterbatasan pemikiran beliau sgt genius..
so, sampai bile i will love Ramlee Awang Murshid works??? hehe, me sendiri xtawu..tetapi, hah ade tetapi..currently i ada beli new novel yg i sendiri xpercaya i dh membelinya..if my sis tahu, mesti die tkejut..bhahaha..what novel, u guys wait until i'll post it later..
ok then, i think that all..i got to go..bahu sudah sakitlah..
i love reading..