hi..2 all yg wish 4 my besday, tq3x so much n luv u all so2x much guys, sorie xleh nk list down name coz rmi sgt hehe..anyway thanx once again..aku dpt teddy bear yg so comey from my sis aka rakan gado aku iaitu MISS FIZZA LARRA (saje promote ko kak)..thnx sgt2..aku mmg suka teddy bear tp aku alah dgn bulu teddy bear tersebut..so, xleh lah nk hug selalukan..nnt aku bersin xabes2..hehe..
xbukak lagi plastik..sayang babe..

so comeyy kan..hehe..thnx kak fiza..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME..aku harap aku akan menjadi manusia yg lbh baik..dapat capai cita2 aku dan xakan jadi manusia paling bodoh sekali..terutama terhadap lelaki..amin..
Lucky Color: Turquoise
Personality Strengths: Courage, Compassion
Personality Weakness(es): Over-confidence
Successful Career Path: Fashion
Sense of Humor Style: Campy
Adjectives to Describe You: impulsive, enterprising
Passionate and proud - you stand very firmly on issues you truly believe in. Unrelentless and driven - you are willing to work very hard when you have to. While not an angry person by nature, you can be hot-tempered when things aren't going your way.
i suker part nie... teharu beb.. bear tu mmg comey utk u.. hoho..